Here’s a delicious lemon and lime cake recipe which is perfect for every occasion. Eneli, from our own office, tried it out and allowed us to share the recipe with all of you! The cake doesn’t need cooking so there’s no need to fear accidentally burning the cake!
So, all you need: approx. 200 grams of cookies (preferably Digestive) and about 100g of butter, which needs to be melted before use. Cookies and the butter are for the base layer of the cake. To make the upper layer you need a big white chocolate bar, half a kilo of cream cheese, lemon and lime. Eneli suggested using 2 lemons and 3 limes. Oh, and don’t forget ca 2 decilitres of whipped cream!
The making itself is super-easy: smash the cookies by hand or with a kitchen combine and add the melted butter. Mix it all together and push the mixture tightly into the cake pan. Now the base layer is ready! Whip up the cream with sugar, add a bit of vanilla if you wish. Cream cheese needs to be mixed with the juice of limes and lemons (don’t forget to add the peels of the citruses to the mixture – adds a nice touch to the taste!). Next, you should melt the chocolate, the best way to do it is on a water bath. Add the melted chocolate to the cream cheese and mix it all together. Pour the mixture onto the base layer and put the cake into the fridge for at least 3-4 hours. Eneli said that the easiest way to decorate the cake is to add a cute little basilic or peppermint leaf! Easy breezy lemon squeezy!
While cooking rock these fabulous lemon socks!