Here you can find the collections we have created throughout the years, many new-comers but also some old friends. These collections help you find your favourite pairs of socks, tights, knee-highs, leggings and hold-ups!
PRINT bulldog socks for kids€5.90
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35 -
SALE!EGGHUNTER cotton socks with colored eggs for children€4.90 €2.99
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35 -
SALE!HOCUS POCUS Halloween socks with brooms and witch hats for kids€4.90 €3.49
Available in:
31-35 -
SALE!Advent calendar WISH CALENDAR - choose 24 pairs of socks yourself!€129.90 €99.99
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35, 36-40, 40-45 -
SALE!WISH GIFT BOX containing 7 pairs of socks for each week day€41.30 €29.99
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35, 36-40, 40-45 -
WOODSTOCK mysterious mushroom socks for kids€4.90
Available in:
31-35 -
SALE!PINGU cotton socks with penguins for kids€3.90 €2.39
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35