Everything 0.99-2.99 eur
Here you'll find all Sokisahtel's best offers from 0.99-2.99 eur!
The time has come! This is the secret pot of gold where you'll find the best offers for all you need! The most affordable prices and the best offers - it all waits for you here!
Now take a look around, none of the prices here reach even 3 euros. Grab what you can, sweet prices and great products won't hang around for long!
SALE!PINGU cotton socks with penguins for kids€3.90 €2.39
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35 -
SALE!LOLLYPOP cotton socks with candies for kids€3.90 €1.99
Available in:
27-30 -
SALE!PARDIRALLI light blue cotton socks for children€5.90 €1.99
Available in:
23-26, 27-30 -
SALE!PARDIRALLI blue cotton knee highs for children€5.90 €1.99
Available in:
23-26, 27-30, 31-35 -
SALE!PARDIRALLI blue cotton socks for children€5.90 €1.99
Available in:
27-30 -
SALE!FISHER dark blue cotton socks for children€3.90 €2.99
Available in:
27-30 -
SALE!KANEP children's cotton socks with multicoloured hemp leaves€3.50 €1.99
Available in:
27-30 -
SALE!KANEP cotton socks for children€3.50 €1.99
Available in: